
The Police - The Stewart Copeland Anthology

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Collecting The Police's drummer's solo work on one CD. 

Track Listing:

1. Too Kool To Kalypso 
2. Don't Box Me In
3. Tulsa Tango
4. Koteja 
5. Serengeti Long Walk
6. Equalizer Main Title
7. Anacott Steel
8. Slither
9. Night Drive 
10. Taxi Ride Home
11. Bill Is Dead
12. Wield the Spade 
13. Look Up 
14. Rain
15. Childhood Friends
16. Mud Lions 
17. Pizica Degli Ucci
18. Chrystal/Drive Daisy/End Title
19. George Trip/End Montage/End Title
20. Big Drum Tribe 
21. Regret

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