
Final Destination 5 (Blu-ray)

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Studio: Warner Bros.

Theatrical Release Date: 08/11/2011

Special Features:

- Now includes Instant Streaming with UltraViolet Digital Copy


- Circle of Death

- Alternate Death Scenes

- Visual Effects of Death: Collapsing Bridge

- Visual Effects of Death: Airplane Crash

Packaging Type: O-Sleeve BD Case


© 2011 New Line Productions, Inc.

Genre: Horror


Death is just as omnipresent as ever, and in Final Destination 5 it strikes again. During the bus ride to a corporate retreat, Sam (Nicholas D’Agosto) has a premonition in which he and most of his friends — as well as numerous others — die in a horrific bridge collapse. When his vision ends, events begin to mirror what he had seen, and he frantically ushers as many of his colleagues — including his friend, Peter (Miles Fisher), and girlfriend, Molly (Emma Bell) — away from the disaster before Death can claim them. But these unsuspecting souls were never supposed to survive, and in a terrifying race against time, the ill-fated group tries to discover a way to escape Death’s sinister agenda.

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