
Asus USB-N53

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Giá với số điểm: 42 điểm
Điểm thưởng: 1 điểm

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The ASUS USB-N53 is a dual-band USB adapter that provides flexible dual-band connection for lag-free streaming and high performance networking. It also has a superior antenna design for extensive wireless coverage. With the bundled USB cable, you can flexibly adjust the antenna to receive the strongest signal. A friendly user interface utility allows you to install and use the application easily, making the USB-N53 a fantastic router both at home and on the road.

Flexible Dual-band Connection

Wireless-N dual-band internet application for lag-free, high defination streaming.

Power Signal Transmission

Superior antenna design for extensive wireless coverage- an increase of more than 150%.

Enhanced Reception

With the USB cable accessory, you can flexibly adjust the antenna to receive the strongest signal.


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