
Nokia 700

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10 Days
Giá với số điểm: 359 điểm
Điểm thưởng: 1 điểm

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12 months warrantyGuarantee for all purchased goods in our online store is 12 months

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Nokia 700 - Experience the thinnest and most compact Nokia touch Smartphone (L=4.33", W=1.97", Thickness=.38", Weight=.21 lbs.). Stay connected with friends and family with a compact and elegant device. Slim and sustainable elegance fits perfectly in your hand. Fresh and fast new Nokia UI delivers what you need when you need it. Personalize your multiple home screens with different sized widgets. Browsing experience like on your desktop PC. Choose from thousands of apps. Sharing pictures and pairing accessories has never been so easy. You can effortlessly share your photos and videos with NFC. Tap and access information and benefits from NFC tags placed in stores and public places. Crisp and Clear display makes it look almost as if the icons are painted on the surface of the handset with Vibrant colors and sharp contrasts indoors and outdoors, day or night. Extensive use of recycled metals, bio plastics and bio paint makes this the most Nokia Smartphone ever.



Operating System:
Symbian OS
Storage Capacity:
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