
XRS 9970G

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Giá với số điểm: 390 điểm
Điểm thưởng: 1 điểm

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The XRS 9970G provides total protection and peace of mind with Super-Xtreme Range Superheterodyne Technology, detecting all 15 radar/laser bands with its super-fast lock-on detection circuitry. The unit provides extra detection range and the best possible advance warning to even the fastest of POP mode radar guns. . It comes with a GPS Locator and Lifetime updates to the AURA™ Database to alert you to verified Speed and Red Light Camera locations, dangerous intersections, and reported Speed Trap locations for entire United States and Canada. Other features include Cobra exclusive Touchscreen, full-color ExtremeBright DataGrafix Display, an 8-point electronic compass, Voice Alert, car battery voltage display/low car battery warning and much more.

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