
AIKO SAFE Model AS 53 Home Safe, Horizontal Model with one tray

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Còn hàng
284.375.000 VND
10 Days
Giá với số điểm: 11375 điểm
Điểm thưởng: 1 điểm

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All AIKO safes are designed to provide maximum protection against fire and foil any tampering and break-ins. The anti-burglary

Construction: Body & Door: Tough steel plates precisely engineered using industry leading manufacturing techniques. Inserted with Premium formulated Ultra Fine Bubble Concrete provides the most effective insulation against intense heat to ensure valuables are protected from burglary & fire.

Automatic Stopper: The automatic stopper feature allows users to close the door with slightest of push.

Locking System: Fitted with 4 directional Solid Steel bolt locking system to lock horizontally & Vertically. Fitted with Dual Key lock system, with ultra secure cylinder Keys, Key & Dial or Key & Digital lock system.

Automatic Re-locking: Fitted with Automatic Re-locking device.

Test & Approvals: Achieved the following international test certificates. 1. JIS - Japan Standard 2. KS - Korea Standard 3. SINTEF - Norway Standard

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